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Refund and Returns Policy


You will be able to return your items for a full refund should you be dissatisfied with your purchase, or you have received a faulty item, in line with your legal rights – up to 30 days after you have ordered, in line with our returns policy. We offer a returns service at the standard rate of delivery of £10. Please follow the instructions provided in your delivery note if you wish to use this service. If you would like to arrange for a return without using our services, please contact us to let us know the details and when we can expect to receive the returned goods.

Returning A Faulty Item

If your product develops a fault within 30 days of purchase, please return with proof of purchase and we’ll exchange or refund it. Please disable any security features and remove your personal data.

Terms & Conditions of Our Policy

If you’ve changed your mind about keeping your purchase, please return it in its original condition with proof of purchase and we’ll exchange or refund it.

By original condition we mean:

  • you’ve kept all original packaging and labels in good condition and the product can be resold at full price
  • you haven’t used the product
  • the product contains no personal data and isn’t registered to a user.

Unless faulty, this must be within 35 days of purchase:

  • If you have your receipt or order confirmation email, we’ll refund using the original payment method.
  • We’re unable to refund or exchange products made to your own specifications or personalized for you, unless faulty.
  • We’ll refund the standard delivery charge for online or telephone purchases, provided you return the complete order within 30 days. If you are only returning some of the items on your order, then we will only refund the cost of those items.
  • Please note that if you return products that are outside our returns policy or if you don’t have proof of purchase, we’re unable to process a refund, so please keep your receipt or order confirmation.

Which Products Can’t Be Returned?

The following products won’t be eligible for exchange or refund (unless faulty or not as described):

  • Products you received over 30 days ago
  • Products that have been opened or unsealed (other than where necessary to inspect)
  • Products without original packaging or labels
  • Products or packaging in poor condition
  • Products that contain your personal data or have been manufacturer-registered
  • Gift Cards, CDs, or vinyl records that have been opened
  • Where a product has been personalized for you or made to your specific measurements
  • Products that cannot be returned for hygiene reasons:
  • Face coverings
  • Swimwear (where the hygiene seal has been removed)
  • Beauty products
  • Personal care products (such as electric razors, and breast pumps)

Please note that if you return products that are outside our returns policy or if you don’t have proof of purchase, we’re unable to process a refund, so please keep your receipt or order confirmation.